Welcome to ERUUF's Jewish Fellowship

A social group for Unitarian Universalists who enjoy the Jewish religion and culture.



The purpose of EJF is to promote personal growth and fellowship through educational programs, cultural exposure, and spiritual embrace of Judaism within the walk of Unitarian Universalism.

Currently, ERUUF Jewish Fellowship (EJF) is undergoing  early stages of formation. It consists of both members, and their friends, of Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (ERUUF) in Durham, NC. This group of 20+ people is diverse along many dimensions, including religion. About half of us have lived a Jewish lifestyle at some time. The other half share a common interest in Judaism. Some people joined to deepen their knowledge of Judaism as a religion, some are looking for companionship with similar people, some are looking for a way to pass along their Jewish heritage while focussing on Unitarian-Universalism as their spiritual foundation, some are hoping to taste foods familiar from their Judaic childhoods, and some have joined our group out of simple curiosity. We are colorful, international, love the one's we are with, and are enjoying the process of getting to know each other better. All are welcome. Feel free to contact us through the form below if you would like to become a part of this exciting new group that salutes the heritage passed down through time.



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